Thursday, December 26, 2019
Confused Words Rational, Rationale, Rationalize
The words rational, rationale, and rationalize all have something to do with reasoning, but they are different parts of speech and their meanings are not the same. Definitions The adjective rational means having or exercising the ability to reason. The antonym of rational is irrational. The noun rationale refers to an explanation, basic reason, or statement of principles. The verb rationalize means to find reasons or excuses that explain or justify certain actions, thoughts, or behaviors. Rationalize can also mean to reorganize a business or system to make it more efficient and effective. The noun form is rationalization. Of these three words, rationalize (in the first sense) most often carries a negative connotation. Examples No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude. (Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies. Routledge, 1945) The senator challenged the governments rationale for the financial bailout.Denial is any addict’s first defense. No obstacle to recovery is greater than the infinite capacity to rationalize our compulsive behaviors. (Tony Scwartz, Addicted to Distraction. The New York Times, November 28, 2015)For [John D.] Rockefeller to rationalize the business [of Standard Oil], he had to concentrate his capital, shutting down inefficient members of the alliance and thus shutting out many individuals for whom the industry had been not only their livelihoods, but their lives. In their place, Rockefeller created a modern, centralized firm managed by professionals from a multi-storied office building . . . in New York City. It was this central office through which the process of moving the firms resources from l ess efficient to more efficient facilities was managed. (Richard S. Tedlow, The Rise of the American Business Corporation, 1991; rpt. Routledge, 2001) Practice (a) What is the mayors ____ for trying to sell three of the citys public hospitals? (b) We routinely procrastinate, make poor investments, waste time, fumble important decisions, avoid problems and _____ our unproductive behaviors, like checking Facebook instead of working. (Jennifer Kahn, The Happiness Code. The New York Times, January 14, 2016) (c) It is not to be forgotten that what we call _____ grounds for our beliefs are often extremely irrational attempts to justify our instincts. (Thomas Henry Huxley, The Natural Inequality of Man, 1890) (d) [C]onservation managers failed to make the fishery more rational. They tried to _____ and simplify an unwieldy, complex ecological system. They tried to manufacture salmon by the billions. They improved salmon streams by weeding out the messy nature and making streamlined, open avenues for spawning salmon. They killed thousands of predatory fish and birds and tried to minimize salmon mortality. Their simplified ecosystem, however, was less productive than complex, chaotic nature. (David F. Arnold, The Fishermens Frontier: People and Salmon in Southeast Alaska. University of Washington Press, 2008) Answers to Practice Exercises (a) What is the mayors rationale for trying to sell three of the citys public hospitals? (b) We routinely procrastinate, make poor investments, waste time, fumble important decisions, avoid problems and rationalize our unproductive behaviors, like checking Facebook instead of working. (Jennifer Kahn, The Happiness Code. The New York Times, January 14, 2016) (c) It is not to be forgotten that what we call rational grounds for our beliefs are often extremely irrational attempts to justify our instincts. (Thomas Henry Huxley, The Natural Inequality of Man, 1890) (d) [C]onservation managers failed to make the fishery more rational. They tried to rationalize and simplify an unwieldy, complex ecological system. They tried to manufacture salmon by the billions. They improved salmon streams by weeding out the messy nature and making streamlined, open avenues for spawning salmon. They killed thousands of predatory fish and birds and tried to minimize salmon mortality. Their simplified ecosystem, however, was less productive than complex, chaotic nature. (David F. Arnold, The Fishermens Frontier: People and Salmon in Southeast Alaska. University of Washington Press, 2008)
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of Jon Krakauers Into The Wild - 980 Words
Tension has the power to build up vigorously inside a person due to their problems they are facing, making them want to run away from the world. In some cases, their problems seem to attack them all at once, making them desperate for their issues to vanish. Some people can deal with their dilemmas easily, but others go to the extreme to cope with their obstacles. One person that goes to the extreme to cope with his problems is Christopher McCandless. Throughout Jon Krakauers Into the Wild, Christopher McCandless was eager to isolate himself from his problems in society, but never meant to die because of it. Chris McCandless did not live the average life. He ran away from his family on several occasions, and his actions can lead people†¦show more content†¦It was a message from Chris explaining how he was extremely ill and needed help. If Chris wanted to die, he would have never written that note. He was hoping that someone would find his message and help him survive. The makeshift flag was also Chris’ hopes in attracting someone to the bus. However, both failed in attracting any help, and Chris sadly died. Chris was determined to get away from his problems, but he had no intentions of dying. He was smart enough to gain knowledge about how finding food in the wild to survive. Chris traveled to a university where he talked to a field guide about survival. The guide taught him what plants were safe to eat, and which ones were not. Mr. McCandless also learned how to hunt animals for a source of food. While he was in Alaska, he killed a moose with his Remington rifle. Chris wanted to use its meat to survive in the harsh conditions of Alaska. He tried preserving the meat in order for him to keep a consistent source of food , but did it incorrectly causing it to be inedible. If Chris wanted to die by going on his adventures, he would never worry about food because he planned on dying. But Chris never did want to die. He wanted to survive out there as he was figuring out his problems. Things took a turn for the worse however and he accidently died. Chris wrote a letter to his sister Carine saying, â€Å"I’m going toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Jon Krakauers Into The Wild778 Words  | 4 Pagesshe wonders about a certain purpose in life. In extreme cases, when a person attempts to find ones self, he or she may find his or herself in a dangerous or even deadly position. In Jon Krakauers Into the Wild, Chris McCandless goes out into the wilderness of Alaska to find himself, but he never returns. Jon Krakauer organizes his novel in a circular way, which ties the story together well, and he uses long, periodic sentences to detail and emphasize his points about life and death situationsRead MoreAnalysis of Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild Essay example1594 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the novel, Christopher McCandless’s character changed over time. Up to McCandless’s death, he wanted to live with the wild and to be away from civilization as far as possible. He changes his mind when he writes â€Å"H APPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED†(189). His purpose of living in the wild is to live with freedom and do whatever he wishes to do. However, he realizes he was a â€Å"refuge in nature†(189) and intended to abandon his solitary life and rejoin the human community. It is assumed thatRead MoreInto the Wild: by Jon Krakauer1186 Words  | 5 Pagesperspective was formed from his own experience and relationship with his father. While the situations were basically reversed with Chris not approving of his father and Lewis Krakauer disappointed in Jon for not following is â€Å"blueprint†there are similar parallels. Both McCandless and Krakauer‘s fathers where high achievers in life and McCandless and Krakauer both shared a similar perspective in their youth. I can envision Krakauer writing this book as a form of therapy for him. Enabling himRead MoreEssay On Chris Mccandless1092 Words  | 5 PagesChris McCandless, the subject of Jon Krakauersâ€Å"Into The Wild,†whose off-the-grid Alaskan adventure ended in starvation is a hero and an idealist whose sense of independence and adventure inspires us to reach for our dreams. McCandless was a courageous man. He wanted to live a life that was completely different than the one his parents lead. And wanted to submerge himself in the world that we live in and be sequestered from people who take it for granted. However, most students see McCandless asRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Into the Wild1669 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary Analysis of Into The Wild Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of usRead MoreSummary Of The Book Into The Wild 1766 Words  | 8 PagesBrief Summary and â€Å"Arrangement†of the Book: †¢ Into the Wild is the story of Chris McCandless’ journey across America and eventually his death in Fairbanks, Alaska. Krakauer weaves the story of McCandless with accounts of other survivalists that are similar to McCandless along with his own experiences. †¢ There are 18 chapters along with and epilogue. Each chapter is characterized by a certain place that Chris or another person visited and are not in chronological order. †¢ Chapter 1: Chris meetsRead MoreAn Analysis Of Jon Krakauer s Into The Wild2135 Words  | 9 Pages In Into the Wild, Christopher McCandless (man) tried to exist as one with nature but finds through his journeys that nature is a force that will test men relentlessly, especially men who are unprepared. Nature is one of the world’s greatest marvels. McCandless understood that and chose nature over civilization. He believed civilization was a plague and there was only one way to cure that plague. That was to become one with nature . The background information of this essay will explore the needRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 PagesChbosky. Word Riot. Word Riot. Retrieved 27 May 2012. 41.Jump up ^ Tara Ann Carter (October 6, 2013). Reading Persepolis: Defining and Redefining Culture, Gender and Genre (PDF). John Bartram High School. 42.Jump up ^ Secret Life of Bees-Character Analysis. Archived from the original on 3 May 2011. Retrieved 2011-04-21. 43.Jump up ^ Khaled Hosseini (March 4, 1965). Katherine C. (Berwyn, PA) s review of The Kite Runner. Retrieved 2011-04-21. 44.Jump up ^ MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structure
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Understanding in Intercultural Communication †
Question: Discuss about the Understanding in Intercultural Communication. Answer: Introduction Intercultural communication falls under a discipline, which analyzes communication between different culture and socio-ethnic group and in what way culture affects the communication (Asante 2013). This specific discipline of study is used to portray the great range of communication processes and associated problems that occurs naturally within an organization that could be made up of different socio-religious or socio-ethnic and educational groups (Bove 2013). The Yabbies R Us firm in Western Australia has initiated to process the Yabbies and sell it to the Perth Restaurant. The Admas family is handling all the responsibilities of this business. Due to rapid improvement of the communication technology, Admas family sells their product to different countries across the world. The purpose of this report is to investigate how to conduct business negotiation with country like China as it is a multicultural country and diverse in nature. This report is assigned from Yabbies R Us firm and commissioned by Peter Admas, the director of Yabbies R Us. The general focus of this report will be on intercultural communication and the challenges it faces. Diversity of China China is very diverse country in nature. Its territory is big as like United States. In ethnicity and language group China is very diverse. The Chinese government has recognized in total fifty-six ethnical group and among these groups many has their own languages (Diktter 2015). The diversity has its influences on Chinas physical geography, which ranges from the deserts to the rain forests and the plateaus to the low plains. Due to diversity in physical geography of China, the people living in this land shares different cultures. The land and its nature or geography defines the culture of the people (Tregear 2017). For an example, the people living near the sea have cultures developed from its geography, differ from other culture, and place like Tibetan Plateau. There is no official religion defined by the government, however, people practices Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism and Judaism in China. The different ethnical group and their individual lifestyles and cultures include Han ethnicity, Manchus ethnicity, which has their own languages, lifestyle, dressing style, surnames, sports and other minor ethnical groups. The majority of the Islamic population lives in Northwestern China. The two major ethnical groups in this region is Uyghurs and Hui. The highest place in the world, the Tibetan plateau has two major ethnic groups such as Tibetans and Qiang, they practices their own religion called Bon (Eberhard 2013). However, in China proper the major practiced religion is Buddhism. Architectures arts, literature, even music and regular lives of the dwellers on the plateau in China proper are very closely related to Buddhism. The most diversified place of China is Southwestern China. There are in total around 30 native ethnical groups in Guangxi Yunnan and Guizhou. Their languages, dressings and lifestyles, music and food differ from each others. Most of these ethnic groups have many branches with completely different characteristics (Mason 2014). Apart from the different ethnical groups in china, the authentic Chinese food can be categorized based on how cooking can be done and what is there to eat. There are different styles of Chinese food with many subdivision of it. However, china is diverse in terms of culture, religion, people, lifestyles, music, cooking style, sports, dressing style and administrative nature. Hong Kong and Macue follow different administrative style differ from mainland China. These two countries have different laws and administrative systems (Hua and Nathan 2016). For example, the Google, Twitter and other social media application are allowed in the regions where other parts do not have access to use it. The diversity in China allows this country to live its citizen as cooperative as possible. The countrys mission is to project the country as unified as well as diverse in nature. Yabbies R Us Firm The yabbie is the fresh water cray fish. The wheat farmers in Western Australia have converted their dam into large yabbie tanks. In this process, they develop a new and thrilling industry called yabbie production. The Admas family has taken the initiative to process the yabbies. They process it for the Perth restuarent. The yabbies are also used in domestic consumption. Later on the firm has exported it to Singapore. Admas family collects the yabbies for the business from around six hundred farmers across the southeastern wheat belt of the country. The yabbies collected from the six large tanks are packed in polystyrene boxes with frozen gel and it could stay alive at least seven days. For the purpose of export, this yabbies are cooled and air freighted and shipped by truck. Due to development in communication technology, specifically internet and fax, it becomes very easier to take orders and sell it to any part of the world within thirty-six hours. The internet has been helping him a lot for making his business into an international level and sell yabbies to the new markets in each day. He has thought that the internet is one of the ways in which he can communicate with clients in anywhere in the world and create greater demand amongst gourmets and the health conscious people. The Yabbies R Us wants to enlarge its business to many countries including China. The Chinese culture is very diverse in nature. The intercultural communication has helped them to communicate with people from different cultural groups and conducting business and achieve a successful outcome. The capacity to communicate and negotiate, and in the way to work effectively with people in diverse culture and from other cultures is very important to conduct international business. Challenges and solution of Intercultural Communication In todays world of globalization, effective intercultural or cross-cultural communication is the key point to be succeeded in business or conducting any organization (Neuliep 2012). Business leaders require understanding of the major challenges in communication across culture, for ensuring their businesses remain competitive in the global market and according to that, they need to overcome those challenges for managing business in different parts of the world. Ambiguity and Develop an understandings about the ways others communicate One of the major challenges in intercultural communication is ambiguity in transferring massages. Other cultures have completely different ways of interpreting. Each culture embodies unique value system, context and communication style. Ambiguity happens in the communication when someone is unable to comprehend the context of his culture and of course the culture of the receive (Samovar et al., 2014). This type of ambiguity leads someone to develop a misunderstanding and incorrect perspective about the other culture. Different culture shares different styles of communication. Business leaders and organizers need to develop an idea about the communication style of the other culture. They need to know the nuances of the other culture to achieve effective cross-cultural communication (Prato 2016). Recommendation In case of Yabbies R Us firm, the firm manager wants to grow its business in China, which is highly a diverse culture. It is said that China is the High Context culture on the basic of scale of communication. They have verities in culture. Peter Adams, the manager of the firm based in Australia needs to know the communication styles and context of the used words in an area where he wants to sell his product. He should be encouraging about the information he is getting from other cultural perspective in language styles and its interpreted meaning. Inflexible Attitudes and understanding the values of the culture The attitudes towards the other culture must be flexible. When people communicate across culture, sometimes they project closed mindset and introvert behavior. This may leads to a misunderstanding for the new culture. Business leaders must adapt and learn about the cultural values of the others (Samovar et al., 2015). This kind of inflexible attitudes towards other culture, whether performed unconsciously or consciously, hampers the business communication and relationships. Business leaders need to develop an understanding about the other countrys values of culture based on five dimensions of perspective in values proposed by Geert Hofstede. These include power distance, masculinity vs. femininity, individualism vs. collectivism, long term vs. short-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance (Ting-Toomey 2012). On the parameter of these dimensions of value perspectives, a manager can develop an understanding about the cultural context and he need to identify and give conscious effort to make a bridge. Recommendation The manager of the Yabbies R Us firm needs to be very flexible about the cultural context of China. He needs to identify the five dimensions of cultural perspective in the area of China where he wants his business to develop. He should not carry any kind of ethnocentrism about his own culture and think that the Chinese culture in anyway inferior to them. He should not judge any cultural values of Chinese in respect to his own cultural values and standards; rather he should be open and ready to develop an understanding about the Chinese culture according to their perspective and context. Conclusion By analyzing the intercultural communication and its challenges and solutions, it can be concluded that for successful business growth and spreading the business across the globe, the manager of the Yabbies R Us should aware of the problems and ready to overcome it. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to develop a business chain in China. In the modern world of technology where internet and fax system is used vividly, the manager could communicate in English; otherwise, he should learn the Chinese language, which could be another hurdle for him. However, whatever language he would use in communication he should be aware of the cultural context and value system of China. References Asante, M.K., 2013. The global intercultural communication reader. Routledge. Bove, C.L. and Thill, J.V., 2013. Business communication essentials. Pearson Higher Ed. Diktter, F., 2015. The discourse of race in modern China. Oxford University Press. Eberhard, W., 2013. A history of China. Routledge. Hua, S. and Nathan, A.J., 2016. Chinese Political Culture. Routledge. Mason, M., 2014. Comparing cultures. In Comparative education research (pp. 221-257). Springer International Publishing. Neuliep, J.W., 2012. The relationship among intercultural communication apprehension, ethnocentrism, uncertainty reduction, and communication satisfaction during initial intercultural interaction: An extension of anxiety and uncertainty management (AUM) theory. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 41(1), pp.1-16. Prato, G.B. ed., 2016. Beyond multiculturalism: views from anthropology. Routledge. Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., McDaniel, E.R. and Roy, C.S., 2014. Intercultural communication: A reader. Cengage Learning. Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., McDaniel, E.R. and Roy, C.S., 2015. Communication between cultures. Nelson Education. Ting-Toomey, S., 2012. Communicating across cultures. Guilford Press. Tregear, T.R., 2017. A geography of China. Routledge.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Barrier and I Shall Return by Claude McKay and The Sick Equation by Brian Patten Essay Example For Students
The Barrier and I Shall Return by Claude McKay and The Sick Equation by Brian Patten Essay Poems are literary wonders that have the power to move, touch and inspire many people. One of the most powerful forms of poetry is love poetry. The dictionary definition of love is to have a great affection for or passionately desire someone or something. It is also described as an intense emotion. Love is one of the most intense emotions felt by man, and poems capture, explore and enhance this intensity. This genre of poetry is not only the most powerful, but also the oldest, dating back to far beyond Shakespeares eternal sonnet form. It is part of our cultural and literary heritage, for all to enjoy and express. Although many poems may bear resemblance to other poems, each has its own unique features. These will be explored and analysed in my essay, looking at the poems The Barrier and I Shall Return by Claude McKay and The Sick Equation by Brian Patten. This analysis will identify the similarities and differences portrayed in relation to each other; as they all identify the prominent feature of love. We will write a custom essay on The Barrier and I Shall Return by Claude McKay and The Sick Equation by Brian Patten specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Barrier expresses a form of painful, forbidden love between a man and woman, who unfortunately come from different racial backgrounds. The phrase I must not is repeated constantly as he reflects on each aspect of her beauty and wonder. By repeating this is shows he is resisting temptation, and this is a indication of the difficulty and the pain that is caused just for loving her. McKays love is portrayed in the way that he constantly refers to her with views of perfection, eyes that do not see flaws, evident in statements such as Your sun illumined way, The fascinating note and Youre fair. Another powerful way in which McKay intensifies his emotional experience of love is through natural imagery. He compares his loved ones eyes to the dawning day, which depicts his need for her, in the same way that the earth needs the sun, and is enlightened by each dawning day. The poet compares her voice to a fluting river reed, which conjures the image of pureness, sweetness and perfection. In the last stanza McKay focuses on her face, seeing and hoping to ignore Loves softly glowing spark. This ends the poem on a final note of despair, hopelessness for their love. In The Barrier, McKays love is requited by the object of his desire, which makes their love even more heart-rending the lovers presented in this poem love each other, however the simple division of race stops their love. The powerful, intense emotion that is focused on and heightened through the poem is highly effective, as the reader does not actually know the poem is about racism and the race barrier. This is because although it is fairly evident that the poem is presenting forbidden love, it is not clear why McKays love is not allowed to grow and freely reign. The suspense increases until the final lines, where a door slams shut on the hope that has been formed throughout the poem. The final statement For theres a barrier of race, Youre fair and I am dark is the emotional climax of the poem, and brings out the suppressed pain of forbidden love in relation to the racial barrier. I Shall Return is another Claude McKay poem, however is quite different from the forbidden love presented in the previous poem. In this poem a sense of patriotism is evident. The poem reflects McKays personal experiences, describes his move to America to fight for his beliefs, and his desperation to return to his homeland of Jamaica. This form of love is a yearning, longing love, a love for ones country. Although both McKay poems are about topics that appear to be close to the poets heart , the fundamental difference is the fact that The Barrier focuses on a person, whereas a I Shall Return focuses on the importance of a place. Once again as he did in The Barrier, McKay uses repetition, in the use of the statement I Shall Return, the poems very title, at the opening of each stanza to emphasize the focus point of the poem. In this way McKay writes about his desire to return to his country. This goal appears nothing more than a distant dream, but with is repeated use of the phrase I Shall Return it becomes a mantra, and his dream seems to be within his reach. The use of repetition, in this case, instigates hope; whereas in The Barrier it is a reminder of his resolve to avoid his true love. .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .postImageUrl , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:hover , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:visited , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:active { border:0!important; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:active , .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c13744dddd92192e22e21c08f83100f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: This is an anylazation of the poet rumi's styel EssayThe use of natural imagery to enhance his love seems to be a distinctive Claude McKay style. As with his description of the girl in The Barrier, McKay uses organic imagery to glorify Jamaica, make it appear beautiful and tempting to the reader. This is apparent in the way he describes simple features such as the noon as golden, or skies as sapphire. His culture and background are focused upon in the last stanza. McKay, talks of native dances and tribal tunes are depicted as delicious tunes. The intense, vivid imagery aids the reader to understand McKays love of Jamaica and his desperation to return. As with The Barrier, I Shall Return presents a painful and heartbreaking form of love as a prominent feature. This is evident in the way McKay describes his return to Jamaica as a way to ease his long, long years of pain as with The Barrier, this final statement is an emotional climax to the poem, and enhances the suppressed pain of being torn from ones home. The Sick Equation by Brian Patten is quite different from the McKay poems. Where both McKay poems depict a form of love, The Sick Equation portrays a fear of love, a life without love and a lack of love. The poem is written in first person, like the McKay poems, and describes Patten as a young boy being forced to experience his parents world of hate, and believing that no marriage could be happy. The pain of his upbringing is palpable, in statements such as all that households anger and its pain stung more than any teachers cane. It is obvious that this belief was instigated from a young age, as Patten compares his parents lesson to a childs equation, that one would learn at school. This equation states that where in school 1 + 1 = 2. However, at home, 1 + 1 must remain 1 + 1 and must never join to become 2. This is the lesson he learned from his parents. As with both Claude McKay poems, Patten uses natural imagery to accentuate his cynicism towards love. This is evident in the way he forms an obsession with flight, comparing ones desire to love to flight. This is proved in the second stanza: One among the many, whose dreams of flight Weighed down by the soul, And kept it down, Because to the flightless The dreams of flights an anguish This is a clear representation of his fear of love. He believes that to hope to find true love is like dreaming of flying the more one dwells on the dream, the more aggravated they become when it does not come true. Further examples of his comparisons to flight include the parallel he draws between divorce and the albatross, when he states The shadow of that albatross divorce fall over groom and bride. This confirms his belief that all marriage will end in divorce it states that any bride and groom, when engaging in marriage, are inviting the albatross of divorce to destroy their love. Patten uses the comparison with an albatross for a purposefully contradictory effect the albatross is a bird that watches over, protecting, according to story The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (the albatross watched over a ships crew, protecting them from the harmful sea). But in Pattens poem it is used in a negative sense, as an assurance that divorce would follow newly-weds until it caught up with them. Another example of natural imagery used to conjure an image and emphasize a point is in the statement In that raw cocoon of hate. The term cocoon gives the image of a protective casing, for a young being to grow inside. It is the place, or the time where one forms their beliefs, habits and basic nature. By describing this developmental stage as a raw cocoon of hate, it implies that this protection, this nurture and care was somewhat lacking. It shows, at the beginning of the poem itself, what Pattens home life as a child was really like, and how this initial, early hatred was the seed in his growth, till he too was drawn into his parents hate. .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .postImageUrl , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:hover , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:visited , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:active { border:0!important; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:active , .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784 .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8422ede037cf6cd3f5256ce7636bd784:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Identify the language and literary techniques used by the poet EssayWhere both McKay poems end with a note of despair, and pain, The Sick Equation ends with hope, a lesson learned. This lesson is introduced in the last stanza: I was wrong of course, Just as those who brought me up were wrong. Its absurd to believe that all others are damaged as ourselves, And however late on, I am better off for knowing now That given love, by taking love all in time can refute The lesson that our parents taught, And in their sick equation not stay caught This instigates a shadow of sadness, because the line And however late on informs us that Patten spent years believing that love was pointless and painful. However, hope is established in the line I am better off for knowing now he now knows that love is a gift, and one cannot let one destroyed relationship dictate the fate of all lovers. This stanza states that he believes he was wrong of course and also knows his parents were wrong to expose their problems to him. Patten realized the equation he learnt at home, so different from school was sick and should not have been dwelled upon. He eventually learns, and the lines Given love, by taking love all in can in time refute the lesson that our parents taught suggest that this has been learned from experience, that love can make one forget, or at lease ignore the pain that their parents caused and felt from their broken marriage. He realizes that not all marriages end badly, not all others are as damaged as ourselves. This lesson ends the poem on a positive note, different from the distress displayed in the last lines of the McKay poems. It restores faith in love. The three poems analysed above present love in several different ways, from the temptation, risk and pain displayed in The Barrier; the patriotic yearning portrayed in I Shall Return; to the pain and distrust depicted in The Sick Equation. The natural imagery used in all three poems is evidently a highly effective way of intensifying the emotion. This stirs the readers sentiments, and instigates empathy and fascination. The Barrier instigates frustration at the injustice of society and their prejudgements, at the realization of the power it has to hurt. I Shall return brings out temptation; one truly wishes to see the wonders of Jamaica, expressed by the poets love for the country. The Sick Equation activates sympathetic emotions, as most would believe that a life without love is a terrible thing this is exactly what Brian Patten experienced due to his parents negligence. It also instigates a sense of happiness at the happy ending Patten found love and realized he could not blame marriage for his and his parents misery. It is true that poems have the power to move, touch and inspire, and where all three poems had similar features, each was truly unique.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Careers for an Economics Major
Careers for an Economics Major Being an economics major means youve taken (or will take) classes that explore finance, psychology, logic, and mathematics, among others. But just what kinds of jobs can you look for that will utilize everything youve learned and done as an economics major? Fortunately, an economics major allows you to take a variety of interesting, engaging, and rewarding jobs. Jobs for Economics Majors 1. Teach. You chose to pursue a career in economics because you love it- and, most likely, because someone somewhere along the way helped spark that passion in both your heart and brain. Consider igniting that kind of interest in someone else by teaching. 2. Tutor. Economics may come easy to you, but many people struggle with it. You just might be able to make a career out of tutoring economics to high school students, college students, and anyone else who needs a little help. 3. Work at a college or university doing research. Think about it: You already have connections at your institution in the Economics department, and youre one of the freshest minds on the market. Consider doing academic research with a professor or department at your own or a nearby college or university. 4. Work at an institute doing research. If you like the idea of research but want to branch out a little from your college days, consider doing research at a think tank or other research institute. 5. Work for an economics magazine or journal. As an economics major, you no doubt came to understand how important journals are in the field. Working at a magazine or journal can be a really great gig that exposes you to a ton of new ideas and people. 6. Work for a large company in the business department. Put your economics training to good use by working on the business side of things for a large company. 7. Work at a nonprofit that helps people improve their economic situation in America. Fortunately, there are an abundance of nonprofits out there that help people do everything from save for a house, learn how to budget better, or get out of debt. Find one that matches your interests and see if theyre hiring. 8. Work at a nonprofit that helps people internationally. Other nonprofits work to improve the economic conditions of people across the globe. If you want a larger impact, consider working for a nonprofit with an international mission you believe in. 9. Work at an investment or financial planning firm. Learning more about the markets in a hands-on kind of way can be an interesting, exciting job. Find an investment or financial planning firm that has an ethos you like and see what you can do! 10. Help a nonprofit with the business side of the house. Nonprofits do great work, from helping promote community gardens to bringing music into classrooms. They all, however, have to make sure their business affairs are in order- and need people like you to help. 11. Work in the government. The government has many different offices and departments that deal with the business side of governance. See whos hiring and go to bed knowing youre helping your career and Uncle Sam. 12. Work for a political organization. Political organizations (including election campaigns) often need advice on handling economics issues, creating policy positions, etc. Put your training to use while also being involved in the political system. 13. Work for a consulting firm. Consulting firms can be a great gig for someone who knows theyre interested in finance and business, but isnt sure yet about which sector theyd like to go into. Consulting will expose you to a lot of different companies and situations while providing you with a reliable and interesting job. 14. Work in journalism. Econ major? In journalism? Explaining things like economic policy, the markets, corporate culture, and business trends is very difficult for many people- except economics majors, who often have a better understanding of these kinds of issues than most folks out there. Consider using your understanding of all-things-economics-related to help others understand them better, too.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Feminist Analysis Of Heartbreakers
This film is possibly a representation of both love and violence in relation to gender. The mother-daughter team in this movie use â€Å"love†to swindle men out of their money. Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love-Hewitt play Angela and Paige, the con artists that use their good looks and a long list of cons to get meals, hotel rooms, marriages, and hefty divorce settlements when something â€Å"accidentally†goes wrong. Heartbreakers (David Mirkin, 2001) is an exploration of femininity, sexuality, and the usage and affects on the male population and the women that posses these traits. Angela marries at the beginning of the movie, for the thirteenth time, and creates a scam involving her daughter, only to divorce Dean, (Ray Liotta) seventeen hours after the marriage. They get away with a three-hundred thousand dollar settlement, but do not realize that it won’t be the last they see of Dean. They end up in Palm Beach to try to con an old, heavy smoker, Tinsey (Gene Hackman). This is where Paige meets Jack, a man she initially wants to con out of his business; but since she is young, she falls in love with him instead. These women feel that men will only hurt them and leave them, so it is better to beat them at their own game, and then go ahead and take all of their assets. Angela, Paige’s mother, is inherently afraid of being alone, and eventually ends up conning her own daughter in order for her to stay with her. She is trying to protect her from love as well, because â€Å"love is pain†. She taunts and gets angry when she realizes that Paige has fallen in love, reaffirming that Paige would be no good at conning on her own because of the fact that she will fall in love with the men. Woods, 2 At one point when Paige calls Jack (the one she falls in love with) cute, Angela reprimands her by saying â€Å"cute leads to feeling; feeling leads to screwing; and screwing leads to getting screwed.†Angela insists that they ... Free Essays on Feminist Analysis Of Heartbreakers Free Essays on Feminist Analysis Of Heartbreakers This film is possibly a representation of both love and violence in relation to gender. The mother-daughter team in this movie use â€Å"love†to swindle men out of their money. Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love-Hewitt play Angela and Paige, the con artists that use their good looks and a long list of cons to get meals, hotel rooms, marriages, and hefty divorce settlements when something â€Å"accidentally†goes wrong. Heartbreakers (David Mirkin, 2001) is an exploration of femininity, sexuality, and the usage and affects on the male population and the women that posses these traits. Angela marries at the beginning of the movie, for the thirteenth time, and creates a scam involving her daughter, only to divorce Dean, (Ray Liotta) seventeen hours after the marriage. They get away with a three-hundred thousand dollar settlement, but do not realize that it won’t be the last they see of Dean. They end up in Palm Beach to try to con an old, heavy smoker, Tinsey (Gene Hackman). This is where Paige meets Jack, a man she initially wants to con out of his business; but since she is young, she falls in love with him instead. These women feel that men will only hurt them and leave them, so it is better to beat them at their own game, and then go ahead and take all of their assets. Angela, Paige’s mother, is inherently afraid of being alone, and eventually ends up conning her own daughter in order for her to stay with her. She is trying to protect her from love as well, because â€Å"love is pain†. She taunts and gets angry when she realizes that Paige has fallen in love, reaffirming that Paige would be no good at conning on her own because of the fact that she will fall in love with the men. Woods, 2 At one point when Paige calls Jack (the one she falls in love with) cute, Angela reprimands her by saying â€Å"cute leads to feeling; feeling leads to screwing; and screwing leads to getting screwed.†Angela insists that they ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Interview conduction and job description Research Paper
Interview conduction and job description - Research Paper Example Potential candidate must be matched against the requirements of the job. This step leads to the third step which is recording and summarizing the information of each candidate. Once the information for each candidate has been recorded, appointments of date and time for interview should be scheduled. After these steps are done, relevant potential candidates are notified about the interview time, date and place. Questions which are to be asked should be as short as possible. The questions should be framed in such a manner that they have a good mix up of both close-ended as well as open-ended questions. The questions should be specific, free from bias and ambiguity. It is necessary to draw a line between those questions which should be asked and those which should be discussed about. While conducting interviews, it is advisable for interviewer to give time to the respondent to answer the questions and be a good listener. Interviewees are also supposed to be calm and confident during interview. It is not at all necessary to panic or getting worried. (Cuomo, n.d.) Most of the interviewers waste a lot of time in filing out the applications or resumes. In some cases, it takes thirty to sixty minutes to do so. Therefore, it is necessary to shorten the applications. In order to cope up with this issue, interviewers need to allow technology for speeding up the process. Applicants can be asked to fill out their information on company’s site. (BridgeWater State University, n.d.) At the beginning of the interview, both interviewee and interviewer should have little conversation so as to relax the environment from any stress and nervousness. It is necessary to ease up the atmosphere so that there is no reluctance and hesitation between the two parties. Some casual conversation is essential to relax both, the interviewer and the interviewee. Applicants should be asked only relevant questions and unnecessary conversation must be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 1 SLP Essay
MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 1 SLP - Essay Example People had their own reasons as to why they chose to stay; no matter what, the clear matter to understand is the fact that they placed that reasoning way before the capability of escaping the dangers of staying in their area during the drastic occasions of the disasters. From the dates Oct 21, 1988 (Philippines) and Nov 19, 1988, the same storm visited both countries and as seen from the results of the disaster, the number of deaths in the Philippines mirrored with the number [3,902,424] compared to that of the deaths in Thailand during the same occurrence of disaster in Thailand killing only [664] makes a huge defining indication with regards the process of disaster response that both countries use. Particularly, the areas affected by the storm in the Philippines are of course higher in number. No matter, it could be observed that the willingness of the people to follow instructions from the government immediately makes a great difference in the rate of deaths on both countries. Floods and storms had been noted to be among the most common disasters in Thailand and the Philippines.2 It could be noted through this comparison though that the Philippines have an undeniable higher rate of deaths in connection with these disasters. Truthfully, the import ance of heeding warnings when given is an important factor to consider on the part of the civilians living in the areas affected by the disasters at a specific time. 3. Explain reasons for the differences in frequency and impact, citing academic journals or references. Besides the fact that the population of residents between Thailand and Philippines differ so much in number creates a great implication that the entire process of warning people might
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Healthcare Finance Essay Example for Free
Healthcare Finance Essay Houston Dialysis Center is a department of Houston General Hospital, a full-service, not-for-profit acute care hospital with 325 beds. The bulk of the hospital’s facilities are devoted to inpatient care and emergency services. However, a 100,000 square-foot section of the hospital complex is devoted to outpatient services. Currently, this space has two primary uses. About 80 percent of the space is used by the Outpatient Clinic, which handles all routine outpatient services offered by the hospital. The remaining 20 percent is used by the Dialysis Center. The Dialysis Center performs hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, which are alternative processes for removing wastes and excess water from the blood for patients with end-stage renal (kidney) disease. In hemodialysis, blood is pumped from the patient’s arm through a shunt into a dialysis machine, which uses a cleansing solution and an artificial membrane to perform the functions of a healthy kidney. Then, the cleansed blood is pumped back into the patient through a second shunt. In peritoneal dialysis, the cleansing solution is inserted directly into the abdominal cavity through a catheter. The body naturally cleanses the blood through the peritoneumâ€â€a thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. In general, hemodialysis patients require three dialyses a week, with each treatment lasting about four hours. Patients who use peritoneal dialysis change their own cleansing solutions at home, typically about six times per day. This procedure can be done manually when active or automatically by machine when sleeping. However, the patient’s overall condition, as well as the positioning of the catheter, must be monitored regularly at the Dialysis Center. The hospital allocates facilities costs (which primarily consist of building depreciation and interest on long-term debt) on the basis of square footage. Currently, the facilities cost allocation rate is $15 per square foot, so the facilities cost allocation is 20,000 Ãâ€" $15 = $300,000 for the Dialysis Center and 80,000 Ãâ€" $15 = $1,200,000 for the Outpatient Clinic. All other overhead costs, such as administration, finance, maintenance, and housekeeping, are lumped together and called â€Å"general overhead.†These costs are allocated on the basis of 10 percent of the revenues of each patient service department. The current allocation of general overhead is $270,000 for the Dialysis Center and $1,600,000 for the Outpatient Clinic, which results in total overhead allocations of $570,000 for the Dialysis Center and $2,800,000 for the Outpatient Clinic. Recent growth in volume of the Outpatient Clinic has created a need for 25 percent more space than currently assigned. Because the Outpatient Clinic is much larger than the Dialysis Center, and because its patients need frequent access to other departments within the hospital, the decision was made to keep the Outpatient Clinic in its current location and to move the Dialysis Center to another location to free up space. Such a move would give the Outpatient Clinic 100,000 square feet, a 25 percent increase. After attempting to find new space for the Dialysis Center within the hospital complex, it was soon determined that a new 20,000 square foot building must be built. This building will be situated two blocks away from the hospital complex, in a location that is much more convenient for dialysis patients (and Center employees) because of ease of parking. The new space, which can be more efficiently utilized than the old space, allows for a substantial increase in patient volume, although it is unclear whether the move will result in additional dialysis patients. The new dialysis facility is expected to cost $3 million. Additionally, furniture and other fixtures, along with relocation expenses of current equipment, would cost $1 million, for a total cost of $4 million. The funds needed for the new facility will be obtained from a 20-year loan at local bank. The loan (including interest) will be paid off over 20 years at a rate of $400,000 per year. Because the specific financing details are known, it is possible to estimate the actual annual facilities costs for the new Dialysis Center, something that is not possible for units located within the hospital complex. Table 1 (see Excel spreadsheet) contains the projected profit and loss (PL) statement for the Dialysis Center before adjusting for the move. The hospital’s department heads receive annual bonuses on the basis of each department’s contribution to the bottom line (profit). In the past, only direct costs were considered, but the hospital’s chief executive officer (CEO) has decided that bonuses would now be based on full (total) costs. Obviously, the new approach to awarding bonuses, coupled with the potential for increases in indirect cost allocation, is of great concern to Linda Rider, the director of the Dialysis Center. Under the current allocation of indirect costs, Linda would have a reasonable chance at an end-of-year bonus, as the forecast puts the Dialysis Center in the black. However, any increase in the indirect cost allocation would likely put her â€Å"out of the money.†At the next department heads’ meeting, Linda expressed her concern about the impact of any allocation changes on the Dialysis Center’s profitability, so the hospital’s CEO asked the chief financial officer (CFO), Roger Hedgecock, to look into the matter. In essence, the CEO said that the final allocation is up to Roger but that any allocation changes must be made within outpatient services. In other words, any change in cost allocation to the Dialysis Center must be offset by an equal, but opposite, change in the allocation to the Outpatient Clinic. To get started, Roger created Table 2 (see Excel spreadsheet). In creating the table, Roger assumed that the new Dialysis Center would have the same number of stations as the old one, would serve the same number of patients, and would have the same reimbursement rates. Also, operating expenses would differ only slightly from the current situation because the same personnel and equipment would be used. Thus, for all practical purposes, the revenues and direct costs of the Dialysis Center would be unaffected by the move. The data in Table 2 for the expanded Outpatient Clinic are based on the assumption that the expansion would allow volume to increase by 25 percent and that both revenues and direct costs would increase by a like amount. Furthermore, to keep the analysis manageable, the assumption was made that the overall hospital allocation rates for both facilities costs and general overhead would not materially change because of the expansion. Roger knew that his â€Å"trial balloon†allocation, which is shown in Table 2 in the columns labeled â€Å"Initial Allocation,†would create some controversy. In the past, facilities costs were aggregated, so all departments were charged a cost based on the average embedded (historical) cost regardless of the actual age (or value) of the space occupied. Thus, a basement room with no windows was allocated the same facilities costs (per square foot) as was the fifth floor executive suite. Because many department heads thought this approach to be unfair, Roger wanted to begin allocating facilities overhead on a true cost basis. Thus, in his initial allocation, Roger used actual facilities costs ($400,000 per year) as the basis for the allocation to the Dialysis Center. Needless to say, Linda’s response to the initial allocation was less than enthusiastic, but before Roger was able to address Linda’s concerns, he suddenly left the hospital to take a new position in another city. The task of completing the allocation study was given to you, Houston General’s current administrative resident. You believe that any cost allocation system should be perceived as being â€Å"fair,†but you also realize that in practice cost allocation is very complex and somewhat arbitrary. Some department heads argue that the best approach to overhead allocations is the â€Å"Marxist approach,†by which allocations are based on each patient service department’s ability to cover overhead costs, but this approach has its own disadvantages. Considering all the relevant issues, you must develop and justify a new facilities cost allocation scheme for outpatient services. Be prepared to justify your recommendations at the next department heads’ meeting.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Public School Finance: Prospectus Paper :: essays research papers
Public School Finance: Prospectus Paper Oklahoma utility companies are currently protesting the amount of taxes that they must pay. The dispute came about because of the difference between what utility companies and other commercial properties and other entities such as railroads and airlines must pay. The utility companies originally protested all of the taxes that they had to pay. They are now protesting the percentage of taxes that they must pay above what the commercial properties pay. The money is currently going into escrow accounts until a decision over the taxes has been made. According to Oklahoma Tax Commission estimates, the protests could affect more than $63 million in funding for schools and counties across the state. The money will not be allocated into the schools until the dispute has been settled. A large group of Oklahoma superintendents has been meeting with the big four utility companies (Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Natural Gas, Oklahoma Gas and Electric and Southwestern Bell) to try to reach a compromise. The most recent meeting occurred on Monday, November 28, 1994. At that meeting Marvin Stokes, Superintendent of Byng Schools, proposed that the utility companies be assessed at 25 mills and that commercial properties be assessed at 20 mills. This would generate around $100 million in new revenue for Oklahoma schools. Eugene Chitwood, Okemah County Assessor, suggested that public service companies be assessed at 23 mills and that commercial properties be assessed at 15-19 mills. This would generate around $50 million in new revenue for Oklahoma schools. The utility companies are currently paying 22.85 mills and commercial properties are paying 11 mills. Private advalorem property is assessed at 11-14 mills. The utility companies were receptive to the suggestions. They do not care if their taxes are increased as long as commercial properties are assessed at a higher level as well. Another idea proposed to the utility companies for their tax rate to decrease to 21.85 mills. This would free up around 58 million dollars immediately if the utility companies agree. The group of Oklahoma superintendents will meet with Glen Johnson ,Speaker of the House, on Monday, December 5, 1995. The superintendents feel that it would be to their advantage to have there concerns heard by the House even though the State Equity board has the final say. The State Equity Board is comprised of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Superintendent of Schools, State Treasurer, the State Auditor, and the State Secretary of Agricultural. In order to get a measure passed by the State Equity Board, a measure must receive four of the 7 votes.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Comparing and Analyzing the Differences Between Co-Ed Schools and Single-Sex Schools Essay
The issue of single-sex schools versus co-ed schools is very much debated and controversial. There are strong supporters for both sides, giving good and valid arguments. It is an issue with a long history, receiving great attention from the media, researchers, teachers and most of all, parents. Although there are many studies that try to answer this question, the problem will probably continue to exist and be debated, the opinions being mixed. After all, choosing a type of education is a matter of personal choice. Nonetheless, there are several clear advantages and disadvantages of both, and there is evidence that there are differences when it comes to teaching styles, progress and achievements. Single-sex schools Single-sex schools have a long history, probably being most popular during the 19th and 20th centuries. In these schools, boys and girls are separated, the classes consisting of only one gender. There are schools that have separate buildings for boys and others for girls, or they only admit one gender into their academic program. This is a practice which is thought to help improve the results of the students. According to Mary Elizabeth, writer for EducationBug. org, one of the arguments is the differences between the brains of girls and boys. Others are different stress responses and hearing sensitivity â€Å"and that these differences can best be responded to by differentiating their instruction and learning environment†(CoEd or Single Sex Education). These reasons seem to be plausible and they are enough for many people to choose this kind of education for themselves or their children. There are some advantages of single-sex schools. As mentioned above, the supporters of single-sex education have many arguments and perhaps the greatest one of them is the educational benefit. It is believed that this kind of education improves student achievements and progress. Girls and boys learn and think in different ways, therefore they should be separated and the studies should be based on each gender’s interests and strengths. Different teaching techniques should be used too. Since girls are more mature than boys at a younger age, they can be more serious and focused in school, whereas boys have a lower concentration limit, and they act out ore often than girls. Leonard Sax, who has a PhD, is an M. D. in Montgomery County and founded the National Association for the Advancement of Single Sex Public Education, claims â€Å"Teach boys properly, and they will learn†. All these can improve a student’s performance. Furthermore, there is a lack of distraction in single-ed. Boys are sexually distracted by girls, being at an age when they are aroused often, and girls are distracted by the boys’ behavior (Single-Sex Education). Thompson and Ungerleider, researchers for the Canadian Center for Knowledge Mobilisation [sic] state in their report â€Å"Girls are able to focus more on academics without having to worry about pleasing the guys†. They have also quoted a 15 year old male student who said â€Å"When there is a hot girl in class you tend to look at her not to concentrate†. This proves that distraction plays an important role in education, and the single-sex schools are a means of controlling it (Single Sex Schooling). Moreover, another argument is the gender gap. This refers to the difference between girls and boys. Usually, girls are academically performing better than boys. But the focus is not on how well the girls are doing but that they are doing much better than boys, the latter being often underachievers. By separating the genders in classes could be beneficial to them, focusing more on subjects they excel at, and applying different teaching methods (Single Sex Schooling). For the many supporters of single-sex schools, the improvement of achievements and progress, the different teaching styles, gender interests and strengths, as well as the gender gap are the main arguments. Single-sex ed is a popular choice among parents, even though not all students want it or feel comfortable with it and most of them, if given a choice this would not be their first. However, despite the many advantages, there are also down-sides of single-sex schools and education. Kristin Stanberry, a writer and editor specializing in parenting, education, and consumer health/wellness issues, argues that there are many who believe that gender separation is not wise as there aren’t many instructors who are able to adapt their teaching methods and understandings to only one gender. This could lead to a worse development and achievements, the exact opposite of what single-ed’s aim is. Even more, maybe the greatest counter-argument is that this way of education promotes discrimination and sexism. This is what many people believe, among them being the American Civil Liberties Union which even filed a suit against a school in Kentucky for organizing single-sex classes in their institution (Single-Sex Education: the pros and cons). By attending a single-sex school, people may develop shyness and have problems interacting with the other sex in the future, for there was no precedent during their education. Co-ed schools: Unlike single-sex schools, co-ed schools are educational institutions where boys and girls are not separated, being no restrictions and no classes where only one sex can attend. It is not a practice as old as its opponent, in the past the higher forms of education being reserved only for male students. However, in the recent past they have gained in popularity, now having many supporters. Co-ed schools have many clear advantages in comparison to single-sex ones. One of these advantages, as it is pointed out on the University Language Services’ website, by having a class with both men and women it offers more diversity, giving a better chance to interact with each other (Co-ed vs. Single Sex Schools). It helps the students to develop their ability to talk to the other sex, developing their social skills much more than single-sex schools. Edelman Public Relations, a firm specialized on doing researches and reports, did a study on Canadian students which shows that students attending a co-ed institution have a higher level of self-confidence. Furthermore, due to interaction between sexes, co-ed attendants tend to develop a deeper respect towards the other gender. 80% of students in co-ed declared that they find it very easy to create friendships and establish relationships with members of the same sex, and 72% find it easy for members of the opposite sex, while single-sex students reported that they make friends easily in only 58% of the times. Also, they have a strong feeling of security. A research reveals that â€Å"students attending co-ed schools are much more likely to discuss ideas from their homework with opposite-sex friends (83%) than students in other school environments. This interaction results in exposure to a greater diversity of views and opinions as they share ideas of both sexes†(The Benefits of the Co-educational Environment). On their website, the Cathedral School of Llandaff, Cardiff, argues that a co-ed school is also beneficial in fighting sexism and discrimination as opinions of the both sexes are expressed and debated, resulting into a better understanding of each gender and the notion of equality (Advantages of Co-Education). Alongside with all these favorable features of co-ed schools, there is the choice of people. Students tend to choose this kind of education over single-sex institutions for the above reasons, as well as the higher possibility of finding a temporarily or life-time partner, which is becoming quite important for present generations. However, although co-ed has many advantages and benefits, it also has many disadvantages. Firstly, University Language Services claims on its website that students may feel intimidated by the members of the other sex and will not participate in class discussions and activities as much as they would if it was a single-sex class (Co-ed vs. Single Sex Schools). Becky Francis affirms in her book â€Å"Boys, girls, and Achievement – Addressing the classroom issues†that another disadvantage is the unfairness that sometimes occurs. Boys usually draw more attention to themselves, dominating the classroom and acting out while girls are quieter and more withdrawn. Also, studies have shown that teachers tend to favor boys by asking them more questions and making them participate more than girls (30-31). Furthermore, Ruth Vanita, writer for the Manushi periodical, implies in the article â€Å"Some Disadvantages of Coeducation†that starting from an early age, boys tend to harass and tease girls. The effect is that this makes girls feel insecure, ashamed and might develop a negative attitude towards men as they grow up. In addition, when pairing up for sharing a desk or picking group members for different activities, those who are left out or chosen last could grow an even deeper sense of insecurity. They might also feel unattractive for the other gender, develop emotional and psychological issues, which may later lead to something worse, such as depression. 29, 31-32) Thompson and Ungerleider implied in their report that there is a â€Å"dumbing down†phenomenon as boys sometimes refuse to participate in class, give the correct answers or do homework as â€Å"it’s just not cool to be smart†and they feel they will leave a bad impression on girls if they do so. Another disadvantage is the competiveness. Girls tend to be more interested and academically active, generally being better students than boys (Single Sex Schooling). This may result into negative reactions from the boys, marginalizing girls. It could also lead to an aggressive response, or other bad outcomes such as cheating in order to keep up with the girls. Finally, it can lead to an even more deepening of the gap between boys and girls. To use a non-academic term, boys tend to be â€Å"slackers†, being lazier than girls and try to persuade them into sharing homework and helping them or giving them the answers to tests. All in all, the issue of co-ed and single-sex educational institutions is very much debated and controversial lately receiving much attention from the media, researchers and parents. They both have many supporters providing arguments trying to prove that one is better than the other. There are many positive and negative effects, advantages and disadvantages of both, and there isn’t yet a clear conclusion whether one is better than the other. While there are studies and different opinions on this issue, the way to go is a matter of personal choice. In the end all that matters is how parents and students feel and what their interest and feelings are about it when choosing one form of education or the other. And in what concerns me, I might be biased, as I’ve attended co-ed educational institutions my entire life, but I prefer this type of education, and I could never picture myself or my children being enrolled in a single-sex school. I say this because in my experience, co-ed schools have been beneficial for me and worked out to my advantage, and I strongly believe that the benefits of such an institution and the argument put forth by its supporters are strong and logical, so if it was my choice, I would choose co-ed.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Kfc – the Best Fast-Food Restaurant
EBA203 UI -:Nguy? n Xuan Luan: 100035 [pic] 1. Why is KFC famous? Kentucky Fried Chicken, better known as KFC, is the largest chicken restaurant KFC is an internationally fast food industry in the world. KFC began with Colonel Harland Sanders, in America in the year 1939. They have the main ambition to increase & maintain the quality in fast food industry. Their aim is to capture the fast food market. Every day, more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants in 109 countries and territories around the world more than 15,000 units around the world.When you try to experience with the services, the qualities, the taste, the price and the conveniences in KFC’s restaurants, you can find that the successes of KFC in worldwide market isn’t random. It relate closely to many factors, such as brand development strategy, strategic of management, development of human resources and the particular secret of KFC is market strategy in the environment â€Å"International Culture††¢ Quality is the number one. In addition kfc famous brand, there are many other fast food brands besides like: Lotteria .. etc.The reason why KFC can rise leading full of fierce competition due to continuously improve product quality and service quality, the quality of raw materials. In addition, KFC through reputable agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) certification testing and using chicken is fully cooked to ensure hygienic; KFC also through the mass media committed to 100% KFC chicken products sold are processed at high temperatures during the period from 2 minutes 30 seconds to 14 minutes 30 seconds, so consumers can feel secure Customer dung.Khach Centre not only enjoy quality service at the restaurant, but also can enjoy the food service brought to you quickly, hygiene, punctuality, service personnel with a caring attitude affable and polite [pic][pic] †¢ Select the correct location to store construction program of action Location is an important factor leading business in the field of food and drinks, especially fast food. The selected location is not only a prerequisite, â€Å"golden key†to decide the success of the brand but also the premise and foundation for brand can provide standard services, single simple and professional.Therefore, KFC attaches great importance to the selection of sites for a fast food restaurant. Often, KFC selected locations to be approved by two levels, local companies and corporations. The probability of success in the site selection process KFC business almost reached 100%. Once through market surveys seriously, KFC always choose the big city is the target market to develop supply store. [pic][pic] †¢ Flavor featured, affordable Crispy lemon chicken is seasoned by lemon fiber sprinkled all chicken pieces makes the dish more delicious, more attractive.Diners as awaken all the senses at the same time, from straw yellow chicken pieces to the aromatic smell of spices prep ared meticulously and when finished enjoying brings balance the ease and unforgettable. [pic][pic] In 1939, Sanders has invented a unique Kentucky chicken recipes with 11 ingredients and flavors of different herbs and he called his dish â€Å"food replacement meals at home†for family busy family, with very line hopvoi the price of each object income, the portion corresponding to James can replace daily meals but still enough, everyone can enjoy KFC is easy and convenient KFC limit: Besides the convenience of restaurants, there are certain limits. Today, with the development of economy, people tend to be simple fast to meet demand, there are many fast food stores to grow, with new flavors, intense competition with KFC. Also, today, in Asia in general and VET in particular, fast food accounts for 10% of the menu of the people, not the majority as other countries such as: England, United States †¦. South, people still preferred meal, with the fussy and more nutritious.Fina lly, fast food is concentrated in some parts, certain age, can not cover all the subjects, the difference in food culture is also a major obstacle affecting the development of kfc 3. If you are in charge of the KFC brand expansion in Vietnam market I will proceed as follows: a: Market research – building goals Situation Analysis of socio-economic, cultural and Vietnam, the current status of development of the fast food market in Vietnam to have accurate assessment of market size, growth rate and the level of competition on truong.Phan of the strengths, limitations and dynamics of KFC before and after the implementation of the strategy to penetrate the Vietnamese market. Evaluate the successes and limitations of the Marketing-Mix strategy of KFC in the past, and propose some ideas and measures to KFC continues to maintain its position in the Vietnamese market in the near future . [pic][pic] b. Overview vietnam fast food market Vietnam – a country that ranks as the most populous country in the world, ith a young population structure and economic growth potential is considered as an attractive market for the food business group fast (fast food). According to estimates by market survey company Euromonitor, sales of fast food areas in Vietnam is still modest, from 12. 5 billion in 1999, increased to 19. 6 billion in 2002, fell to 13. 5 billion winter 2004 and from 16 billion in 2007 to approximately 20. 1 billion in 2009. Only about 10% of the population have used fast food habits.This number is too small compared with neighboring countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, China, India has more than 70% of consumers eat fast food at least one time / month. And about 90% of the number of Vietnamese consumers are not familiar with the fast food will provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs to exploit. In short, if I was manager in charge of expansion kfc Vietnam, in the current era of knowledge economy, ahead of the competition is extremely fierce and fierce international market, to develop the brand, businesses need to focus on improving the quality of services, ranging from visible to invisible. pplication of advanced marketing strategies, particularly marketing strategy in environments with â€Å"culture†, to the consumers living in different cultures, whether China, Japan and Vietnam are remembered this brand even once. In the context of globalization, modern businesses need to pay special attention to the integration of culture; focuses on developing marketing strategies such as strengthening cultural product development, brand building, building develop corporate culture, at the same time, in the fierce competition of the market, faced with the concept of different values f each object, each ethnic group, businesses need to know to apply flexible strategies sales marketing strategy, which can stand on the international market, creating a powerful breakthrough in the process of brand development business. [pic][pic] [pic][ pic] Some of my work here is all. students for submission
Friday, November 8, 2019
About the Balfour Declaration of 1917
About the Balfour Declaration of 1917 The Balfour Declaration was a November 2, 1917 letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild that made public the British support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration led the League of Nations to entrust the United Kingdom with the Palestine Mandate in 1922. Background The Balfour Declaration was a product of years of careful negotiation. After centuries of living in a diaspora, the 1894 Dreyfus Affair in France shocked Jews into realizing they would not be safe from arbitrary antisemitism unless they had their own country. In response, Jews created the new concept of political Zionism in which it was believed that through active political maneuvering, a Jewish homeland could be created. Zionism was becoming a popular concept by the time World War I began. World War I and Chaim Weizmann During World War I, Great Britain needed help. Since Germany (Britains enemy during WWI) had cornered the production of acetone- an important ingredient for arms production- Great Britain may have lost the war if Chaim Weizmann had not invented a fermentation process that allowed the British to manufacture their own liquid acetone. It was this fermentation process that brought Weizmann to the attention of David Lloyd George (Minister of Ammunitions) and Arthur James Balfour (previously the Prime Minister but at this time the First Lord of the Admiralty). Chaim Weizmann was not just a scientist; he was also the leader of the Zionist Movement. Diplomacy Weizmanns contact with Lloyd George and Balfour continued, even after Lloyd George became prime minister and Balfour was transferred to the Foreign Office in 1916. Additional Zionist leaders such as Nahum Sokolow also pressured Great Britain to support a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Although Balfour, himself, was in favor of a Jewish state, Great Britain particularly favored the declaration as an act of policy. Britain wanted the United States to join World War I and the British hoped that by supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the world Jewish community would be able to sway the U.S. to join the war. Announcing the Balfour Declaration Though the Balfour Declaration went through several drafts, the final version was issued on November 2, 1917, in a letter from Balfour to Lord Rothschild, president of the British Zionist Federation. The main body of the letter quoted the decision of the October 31, 1917, British Cabinet meeting. This declaration was accepted by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922, and embodied in the mandate that gave Great Britain temporary administrative control of Palestine. The White Paper In 1939, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration by issuing the White Paper, which stated that creating a Jewish state was no longer a British policy. It was also Great Britains change in policy toward Palestine, especially the White Paper, that prevented millions of European Jews to escape from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine before and during the Holocaust. The Balfour Declaration Foreign OfficeNovember 2nd, 1917Dear Lord Rothschild,I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majestys Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.His Majestys Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity
20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity 20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity 20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity By Michael So youd like your latest writing project to get moving faster. Great writers have felt the same. Dont worry, its fixable. When the words stop, writers have effective ways of getting them moving again. Plow new ground Write multiple drafts instead of obsessively editing the same one. You can tell the same story, but tell it over again. You will probably feel more encouraged. That part that you never knew how to fix? Maybe your new draft doesnt have it anymore. Commit to a consistent schedule Write daily, not someday. Start today, not tomorrow. Find the best time for you. Resolve that 6:00 a.m or 9:00 p.m. will be your regular time for writing, and thats it. If you dont make time, you may not find time. Use the time you have. After all, you cant use the time you dont have. Though its definitely easier to write when you dont constantly switch tasks, you cant wait for large blocks of time to appear in your schedule. They may not. Instead, take advantage of the minutes between tasks, time that might have been misused. And when you cant write, prepare to write. Set priorities I regret to inform you that you cant do everything. You cant spend three hours a day watching television, four hours playing video games, eight hours at work or school, eight hours sleeping, two hours eating, and one hour writing. That totals 26 hours a day. Youll have to cut something from your schedule. Do you want to write or not? Count words, not minutes. You may feel lighter and freer if you know that you can get up from your chair and play golf as soon as you have written 1,000 words. You may write faster out of sheer anticipation. Count minutes, not words. On the other hand, sometimes the words get hard and so does your chair. If your mind is strained, tired or muddled, maybe you should limit your writing time. But find a goal you can stick to. Im not giving you permission to give up easily. Don’t begin at the beginning The title and first lines are the hardest parts to write. They get easier after youve finished the rest, and having perfected them may not help you write the rest more efficiently. So dont bother writing them first. You can change the title any time before the release thats one reason why movies have working titles. Start in the middle Actually, start writing the part that most inspires you, Start where you want to, where your creative urge is strongest. You can add introductions and conclusions later. Write your favorite part first. Choose an audience You can write most effectively when you know who youre writing for, when you can picture them in your mind. Then you know more clearly what the purpose of your writing is. Change your audience If your writing gets stuck or even boring, try picturing a different reader. Maybe you werent picturing any particular reader at all. No wonder your writing sounded unfocused. Imagine youre writing to your best friend, your best customer, your biggest fan, or to your grandmother. (Write regularly to your grandmother, if you have one.) Take very small steps If youre overwhelmed by the thought of writing the whole piece, tell yourself to only write one sentence then make yourself stop. Science fiction writer Roger Zelazny used to advise authors to write two sentences. Never rewrite until you’re done writing. There is a time for writing and a time for editing, and most writers cant do both at once. Editing as you write will slow down your writing, often to a standstill its a major cause of writers block. Once you get started, ideas will come running fast enough that you wont have time to refine them until after the stampede. When one project bogs down, switch to another. We were built for variety, and the specialization of the Industrial Age has lessened us. You werent meant to always do the same thing. Keep more than one project bubbling at once. When you (temporarily) lose interest in one book, you always have something else to work on. Please only yourself. You can pretend to be interested in a genre because it sells well, but youre competing against other writers who arent pretending. Competition in the publishing world is tough enough. Im not saying to ignore market forces if you enjoy writing in two genres, its fine to pick the more popular one. But if you focus on what you know best, you can write faster and research less. And theres less competition. Your teacher is not looking over your shoulder. Too often, school teaches children to write and teaches them to hate writing. Writing gives us a way to share ourselves, and we should love it. Grammar is not sharing; its only an aid to sharing. Style is worthless if it doesnt help your reader. You have no obligation to sound like anyone but yourself. Keep a notebook When you have a fresh idea, write it down and store it up for the times when you dont. Make notes of interesting expressions youve overheard, describe scenes youd like to write about, record physical details. Dont wait for inspiration. If your Creative Muse doesnt flit into your room and shower inspiration upon you, go out into the hallway and take her by the hand. If you were in your chair writing at your scheduled time of 6:00 a.m. or 9:00 p.m, she would have known where to find you. Look in your notebook there should be some inspiration there. Say what you really mean If you get stuck or tangled in your writing, try this: pretend youre talking to a child and say, What I really mean is. Then say what you really mean. My college speech teacher used a similar technique. When nervous students showed up to give their first speech, she told them, You dont have to give your speech, just tell us what you would have said. Change your medium. If you cant get your writing to move, try telling your story out loud. Leave yourself a voicemail. Send it as an email to someone. Send it as a text. Write it as a series of headlines. Write only the outline. Use a pencil. Use a crayon, as James Thurber did. As his eyesight diminished, he had to write one letter per page. And you think you have problems. Write any way you can. If you feel constricted as a writer and the words dont come, work around your block. Dont force yourself to stay on the main point. Tell your backstory, share your history, give the background, explain the alternatives. Youll get back on track soon enough. How many of these tips have you tried? What other tips have worked for you? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Capitalization Rules for the Names of GamesGrammatical Case in English
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Living in Small Towns is Better Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Living in Small Towns is Better - Essay Example Peace of mind can be experienced only in small towns because they are free from such problems. The fact that people living in smaller towns live longer than people living in bigger cities was proven in Japan. In one of the studies conducted on residents of Okinawa, a small town in Japan, it was proven that these residents lived for relatively long time compared to other residents of big cities. The reason for their long life was attributed to the peaceful atmosphere that existed there. The incidence of health-related problems like stroke, caused due to nervous tensions and/or emotions, was higher in big cities due to the rushed and busy life. Living a normal life mainly requires peace of mind, which is possible through a calm lifestyle and can be found only in a small town. Secondly, smaller towns are more safe and secure to live a normal life. Instances of road traffic accidents, crimes, and thefts are much lesser in small towns compared to big cities. People can travel to any place and at any time, even after midnight, without fear. Level of safety in small towns can be assessed based upon the fact that people in small towns rarely lock their doors. Road traffic accidents are also extremely rare in small towns, probably due to less heavy-vehicle and car traffic. The number of people who use cars for traveling is very less in small towns. For these reasons, smaller towns are much safer and more secure. The third good reason for living in a small town is its much cheaper and affordable cost of living. Quoting an example of the cost of utilities, in Florida, for a two-bedroom apartment, I had to pay $150 towards electricity bill, whereas in Utah, I pay only $70 for a townhouse. There is a huge difference in the cost of real estate of a big city and a small town. A friend of mine in Los Angeles pays around $1600 for a two-bedroom apartment.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Environmental Issues and Elasticity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Environmental Issues and Elasticity - Essay Example Specific terms such as elastic versus inelastic demand, perfectly elastic versus perfectly inelastic demand are used in classifying the demand curves. Other types of elasticity include: Cross-elasticity of demand, Income elasticity of demand and Elasticity of price expectations. This assignment seeks to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the concept of demand elasticity, determinants of elasticity plus the importance of elasticity in business; in order to gain an understanding of the concept of elasticity. Keywords: Elasticity, Demand. Price elasticity of demand is an assessment of how much the quantity demanded varies when the price of the good changes. The terminology, price elasticity of demand is occasionally reduced to elasticity of demand/demand elasticity or simply put as elasticity. The price elasticity of demand regularly alludes to a distinct demand curve or demand schedule like the global demand for fossil fuels. The price elasticity of demand is plainly enumerated by the n ext formula: Price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price (Taylor & Weerapana, 2012). Price elasticity of demand= Percentage change in quantity demanded Percentage change in price Every one of other factors that influence demand is seized at a constant when calculating price elasticity of demand. ... it is a unit-free measure, since it uses percentage changes in price and quantity demanded (Taylor & Weerapana, 2012). In contrast, Income elasticity of demand refers to the percentage in quantity demanded of a good associated with the percentage in income of the consumer; other factors such as price of other related goods, price of the commodity, preferences of the consumer remaining constant. Income elasticity of demand is measured using the following formula (Jain, 2007): Income elasticity of demand = Percentage change in quantity demanded Percentage change in consumer income Cross elasticity of demand refers to a measure of a change in the quantity demanded of good Y, as a result of a proportionate change in the price of good X. This scenario is evident when a change in the price of one good can cause a change in the demand of related goods e.g. a change in price of tea ordinarily causes a change in demand for coffee. Cross elasticity of demand is measured using the following for mula (Jain, 2007): Cross elasticity of demand= Percentage change in quantity demanded of good X Percentage change in price of good Y The law of demand states that a fall in price of a good raises the quantity demanded. The price elasticity demand for any good measures how willing consumers are to buy less of the good as its price rises. Since the demand curve reflects many social, economic and psychological forces that shape consumers preferences, there is no simple, universal rule of what determines the demand curve (Stonecash, 2011). The degree to which the demand is price-inelastic or price-elastic depends on the following factors, which differ among consumers and products: (a) How many substitutes there are for a product-
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Case Study Analysis- Planet Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case Study Analysis- Planet Starbucks - Essay Example Starbucks was initially formed with the motto of selling good coffee with a unique flavor that a regular coffee brand wouldn’t offer. After the company was listed in the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ), the growth of the company accelerated and it opened 16,680 stores across the globe. High priced brews, Moccachinos, Cappuccinos, Lattes and frappes have awakened the senses of 50 million customers approximately worldwide. Starbucks was formed initially in the year 1971 in Seattle (Burks 2009, 1). In the year 2013, the sales of global Starbucks stores grew by 8 percent and the expansion of the stores grew by 12 percent with revenue of $2.78 billion (Fontevecchia 2013). The company generated huge revenue from China and Asia Pacific region and earned a major part of the share in the coffee industry. Starbucks is one of the most coveted brands in the coffee industry and has a highly developed copyright, logo, brand and trademarks. In the year 2010, the company’s profit margin had hit hard during recession but the company immediately regained profits by 12.7 percent in the year 2012. Brand Power: In Australia, the brand is strongly associated with customer loyalty and innovative capabilities. The Company has maintained strong revenues, earnings per share, operating income and comparable store sales. Brand promise is crucial for Starbucks and the company has been using high quality beans. It has been observed that the customers prefer having Arabica over Robusta beans and accounts for 75 percent of the worldwide production (Burks 2009, 07). Starbucks uses high quality Arabica beans for serving the customers for their satisfaction purposes. European Coffee Houses: The Australian customers prefer cafà © chain similar to European coffee houses. The European Coffee houses were traditional and had an old charm to it and a warm atmosphere. Starbuck
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