Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Case Study Analysis- Planet Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case Study Analysis- Planet Starbucks - Essay Example Starbucks was initially formed with the motto of selling good coffee with a unique flavor that a regular coffee brand wouldn’t offer. After the company was listed in the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ), the growth of the company accelerated and it opened 16,680 stores across the globe. High priced brews, Moccachinos, Cappuccinos, Lattes and frappes have awakened the senses of 50 million customers approximately worldwide. Starbucks was formed initially in the year 1971 in Seattle (Burks 2009, 1). In the year 2013, the sales of global Starbucks stores grew by 8 percent and the expansion of the stores grew by 12 percent with revenue of $2.78 billion (Fontevecchia 2013). The company generated huge revenue from China and Asia Pacific region and earned a major part of the share in the coffee industry. Starbucks is one of the most coveted brands in the coffee industry and has a highly developed copyright, logo, brand and trademarks. In the year 2010, the company’s profit margin had hit hard during recession but the company immediately regained profits by 12.7 percent in the year 2012. Brand Power: In Australia, the brand is strongly associated with customer loyalty and innovative capabilities. The Company has maintained strong revenues, earnings per share, operating income and comparable store sales. Brand promise is crucial for Starbucks and the company has been using high quality beans. It has been observed that the customers prefer having Arabica over Robusta beans and accounts for 75 percent of the worldwide production (Burks 2009, 07). Starbucks uses high quality Arabica beans for serving the customers for their satisfaction purposes. European Coffee Houses: The Australian customers prefer cafà © chain similar to European coffee houses. The European Coffee houses were traditional and had an old charm to it and a warm atmosphere. Starbuck
Monday, October 28, 2019
1800s Era of Good Feelings Essay Example for Free
1800s Era of Good Feelings Essay Although many seemingly happy events such as the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†and the granting of universal white manhood suffrage occurred during the early 1800s, the statement that nationalism and not the fear of sectionalism caused westward expansion is an invalid statement. Westward expansion was truly an effect of a growing sectionalism in the country originating from events such as the Tariff of 1828 , the National Bank, and the Missouri Compromise. Preceding the Missouri Compromise was the Tallmadge amendment. When the Tallmadge amendment was passed, the South was infuriated. The amendment decreed that the slave state of Missouri had to gradually free all of their slaves and prohibited any more slaves to be brought into Missouri before they could be admitted into the Union. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay This made slave-owning Southerners upset because they viewed the amendment as a threat to sectional equality and balance. With the South suspicious of the North trying to ban slavery and the North suspicious of the South trying to expand slavery, both sides naturally flocked to the West in order to gain another slave or free state to tip the balance of power in their direction. Even in the Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, after war hero Andrew Jackson exceeded his orders from the White House and tore through Florida, motives for acquiring new land seemed to continually hint towards the growing sectionalism and concern about the issue of slavery. Also, the uneasy Missouri Compromise gave both North and South even more reason to expand westward. The Missouri Compromise established Missouri as a unrestricted slave state which gave abolitionists and Northerners great concern about the spread of slavery while the establishment of the Missouri Compromise line that prohibited slavery above it caused Southerners to worry about slavery too. All the suspicions and fears of the two sections resulted in a fast and furious expansionism in the west. Then, during the presidency of John Quincy Adams, his nationalistic policies of roads and canals laid a heavy financial burden upon the federal government requiring the continuation of the tariff which caused tension among the South. The National Bank, although established by the nationalist Alexander Hamilton, played a big role in sectionalism in the United States. When the Bank of the United States irresponsibly overspeculated in the West, the financial crisis of 1819 arose in which many western banks were shut down and had to foreclose mortgages on numerous farms in the West. The foreclosure of farms in the West made the National Bank extremely unpopular in the West and fueled western sectionalism, pushing western farmers to lean towards the slave-owning Southerners in the battle for influence in the West. In addition to these events, the Tariff of 1828 made Southerners angry yet again and widened the rift between the North and South even more. The extremely high tariff was not for revenue but rather for the purpose of protecting American manufacturing. This made the Southerners upset because it showed partiality to the northern factories and hurt the southern farmers who were large consumers of manufactured goods. The hated tariff would then prompt South Carolina to take action and bring out the old Kentucky and Virginia resolutions to nullify the tariff. Thus, these two events added to the worries of both sides and to the westward expansion fever.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pardon Debate :: essays research papers
Pardon Debate      Does money increase power over the rest of the nation? President Clinton’s last minute pardons before leaving the White House has left a lingering shadow over his two year Presidency. To understand this controversy, we would need to discuss the Mar Rich pardon, the Glenn Braswell pardon, and the negative impact that these had on the former President and former first lady.      The article â€Å"A President and a pardon, a price?†written by Mark Mezzetti and Gary Cohen, stated that Marc Rich fled from the U.S. to Switzerland in 1983 to dodge a tax fraud charge. On the morning of Clinton’s final day in office, the criticism was becoming well known around the White House. President Clinton had pardoned her from the tax fraud charge. Carol Elder Bruce, the clients lawyer, informed committee staff members that Mrs. Rich had contributed over $200 million to the Clinton Library Fund. (26). A well known source told U.S. News Today that so far Marc Rich has contributed $450,000 in the past three years. (26). Mr. Rich had donated more than $1 million for Democrats between 1991-1992. He also gave $70,000 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for New York’s Senator.      While Micheal Milken, former Junk-bond king, waited for a pardon, Clinton fundraisers approached him for money. His spokesman stated that Mr. Milken gave nothing to the fund raiser.(26). But on Presidents Clinton’s last day in office an e-mail had been sent to Jack Quinn by Denis Rich, Marc’s ex-wife, that there was news that Milken will not get the pardon. Milken, who was a pardon applicant that did not contribute to the Clinton Library Fund.      Another pardon that was given before President Clinton left was for Glenn Braswell. An article written by Mark Mazzetti and Shelia Kaplan called â€Å"The scandal that keeps on giving†, gave the impression that herb supplement dealer Glenn Braswell was pardoned the same day also. President Clinton’s brother-n-law Hugh Rodham had accepted $400,000 to plead Braswell’s case. (25). This damage was felt mostly by Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton was disappointed in her brother. The former first lady insisted that Rodham return the money that he had taken for the case. The White House log books records each visitor’s time and date they enter the White House. Therefore they can track the times and days when Rodham was at the White House. The White Houses formal couple stated in an interview, that they know nothing about Rodham’s connection with the Braswell pardon.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Martha Stewart: A Brand in Crisis
1. Stewart repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, despite the conviction and failed appeal, yet she still says she did nothing wrong. Is this the right strategy? Yes, admit your mistakes, learn from them and move on but don’t continue to make them over and over again. Stewart demoed that she engaged in any improper trading when she sold her shares of ImClone stock (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2007, page 345). Stewart claimed she had previously issued a â€Å"stop-loss†order to sell her 3928 shares; she also called her friend Sam Waksal, but could not reach him. However, Stewart’s explanation that she unloaded her stock because of a pre-arranged sell order collapsed when Douglas Faneuil, the broker’s assistant who handled the sale of the ImClone stock for Stewart, told Merrill Lynch lawyers that his boss, Peter Bacanovic, had pressured him to lie about a stop-loss order. 2. Did Stewart’s actions justify the subsequent sentence to her and those around her? Despite her reputation and business successes, Stewart was indicted in 2003 on criminal charges and faced several civil lawsuits to her sale of the ImClone stock (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2007, page 344). Stewart sold the stock on December 27, 2001, one day before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to review ImClone System’s cancer drug Erbitux; the company’s stock tumbled following the FDA’s announcement. On June 4, 2003, a federal grand jury indicted Stewart on charges of securities fraud, conspiracy (together with Bacanovic), making false statements, and obstruction of justice (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2007, page 346). At her trial, the indictments for securities fraud were dropped, but the other indictments were prosecuted (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2007, page 347). Stewart faced humiliation and some prison time but examples have to be set when running a company. You just can’t do what you please because you own it and not face the consequences. 3. Compare other executives’ wrongdoings versus Stewart’s. Discuss why MSLO is or is not different from what happened at companies such as Enron and Tyco. Enron’s demise caused tens of billions of dollars of investor losses, triggered a collapse of electricity-trading markets, and ushered in an era of accounting scandals that precipitated a global loss of confidence in corporate integrity (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2007, page 328). Now companies must defend legitimate but complicated financing arrangements, even legitimate financing tools tainted by association with Enron. Executives in these positions have a duty to protect the investors and shareholders of the company. Consumers put their trust in them for results and their ethical standards should be top priority. Enormous evidence of book-cooking and scandals involving WorldCom, Enron, Andersen Consulting and now Xerox, combined with Martha Stewart's embroglio over dumping ImClone stock last year, have caused growing skepticism among consumers about big brands in an already shaky economy that's trying its best to rebound. â€Å"The overall impact of the corporate financial scandals are going to cause consumers to question the ethics and the corporate behavior of many corporations,†said Lynne Doll, president of Rogers & Associates, a crisis communications firm in Los Angeles. (Hein & Cassidy, 2002). The investigation of Ms. Stewart's trading of ImClone stock continues. But at issue is perhaps less the outcome of the investigation than the more mystical question of what this does to the brand-a subject on which brand experts are more pessimistic than marketers. â€Å"An important element of the brand is authenticity,†said Don Pettit, president-CEO of brand identity firm Sterling Group. â€Å"A lot of Martha's credibility is built on her integrity and authority, and that's exactly what's being called into question. â€Å"
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Effects of Mass Media Essay
What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the 20th century? The major developments in the mass media during the 20th century include electronic and digital communication. The first electronic device use for communication was the telegraph, which feature dot-dash signals. Thanks to the telegraph, people did not need to use transportation to deliver a simple message. With the telegraph a message was received in a matter of minutes. The telegraph was the foundation to many other electronic devices like the radio, fax machine, and the cell phone. With the digital era, communication has transformed our way of life. Cable TV and the internet have evolved so quickly that some traditional media have (like the newspaper) have lost their control over information. Other traditional media are also losing ground thanks to the development of emerging media. Media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Tweeter are attracting more audience than traditional media. Facebook alone has over 1 billion users worldwide and its still growing. With new technology been develop every day, people are more connected than ever before, because of this, business like the post office are losing money every day because people no longer need to write letters, or mail a check to pay for their bills. News can be broadcast almost instantaneously by anyone with a mobile device. Devises like ipads, smart phones, and laptops allowed people to view anything from magazines, news articles, television shows and movies. Read more:Â Essay on Mass Media Advantages and Disadvantages Most TVs are now been develop with internet and wi-fi connection, so people have a reason to purchase it. The development of mass media will continue to grow and new ways of information will eventually replace the old ones. How did each development influence American culture? The development of mass media has influence American culture in many ways. Before the development of new age technology, American culture way of communication was oral and written. People rely on books, manuscripts, and word of mouth to get information delivered. Even politicians depended on oral and written communication to get the vote of the people. With the development of the telegraph and eventually the radio, in America, people started moving from a farming culture, into a urban life style, where new industries and economic opportunities beckoned. With the development of digital communication, people started taking control over information. Publishers and TV station began losing ground over the control of information as well. With each development, people began to depend on themselves to get the information, rather than relying on teachers, or storytellers. The internet has allowed our culture to do interact in different ways. You can buy anything online, without leaving the house, you can work from home, take college courses and earn your degree, make a video conference, and many other things that could not be done in the past. There are many advantages to the development of mass media in our culture, but it has also disadvantages. I believe that the internet has made people lazier and less responsible. There are people that instead of going to the market to get food, they prefer to order groceries online to get it delivered home. When it comes to education, some students just search for the easy answers available online, instead of taking the time to do the research.
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