Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Outsiders Debate Essay - 1124 Words
In the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the Socs are the ones to blame for all of the problems. After all they are the cause of the rumble. The Socs are no good drunk 24/7 idiots who need to turn their ego down, and intelligence up. They screw up MANY times in the book. Yah yah, greasers are not perfect, but at least they have some common sense. And I’ll tell you why the greasers are innocent and the Socs are not. First of all, Johnny was justified in killing Bob. It was in self-defense, the Socs beat up Johnny before traumatizing him, and the only reason why Johnny had his switchblade was because of the same Socs who tried to kill Ponyboy. â€Å"The Socs caught my arm and twisted it behind my back, and shoved my face into the†¦show more content†¦Do you think that the Socs are the reason that Johnny is dead? Yes. Third of all, the Socs were the reason Johnny is dead. Because they drove Johnny and Ponyboy away, by forcing Johnny to kill Bob. â€Å"Five Socs were coming straight at us, and from the way they were staggering I figured they were reeling pickled. That scared me. A cool deadly bluff could some times shake them off, but not when they outnumber you 5 to 2 and were drunk. Johnny’s hand went in his back pocket and I remembered his switchblade.†(Pg 62// The Outsiders/ Hinton). This quote shows that if the Socs did not outnumber Johnny and Ponyboy, or even not go to the greaser’s territory, then Johnny never would have stabbed Bob. They never would have gone to Windrixeville. They never would have saved those children, therefore Johnny never dying. Do you think that the Socs are the reason for the rumble? Yes. Fourth, the Socs were responsible for the rumble. The greasers were tired of the Socs fighting for no reason. The greasers just wanted to put an end to the trouble, once and for all. â€Å" Darry turned to see who it was and Paul swung hard right to his jaw.†(Pg 143/ The Outsiders/ Hinton). This quote shows that the Socs swung first therefore they started the rumble, not he greasers. â€Å" ‘We gotta win that fight tonight,’ Dally said. His voice was hard. ‘ We gotta get even with the Socs. For Johnny.’†(Pg 107/ The Outsiders/ Hinton). This quote showsShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Act Of The United States1101 Words  | 5 Pagesimmigrants. Some other words that are also known as immigrants are an outsider, settler, alien, newcomer, and foreigners. People often get legal and illegal immigrants confused on which one mean which. Legal is newcomers who have entered a country by law. Illegal is forbidden by law or statute. Emigrant is a pers on who emigrates from his or her native country or region. 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Martin O’Malley has gasped for oxygen, and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island couldn’t survive a disastrous debate performance. What’s going on here? AfterRead MoreShaping Attitudes And Behaviors Within An Organization Essay1308 Words  | 6 Pagesassumptions are important. In comparison, an outsider would have an insufficient awareness level of underlying cultural values simply due to the nature of being external to the organization. Although, by interpreting the visible elements an outsider may be able to determine what underlying cultural attributes are important to an organization. In observing the visible symbols, dress codes, structure, power relationships, and other tangibles of culture, an outsider would be able to see the social system
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Issue in Corporate Failure of Bank of Credit and Commerce...
Issue in Corporate Failure of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) Introduction and background: Bank of Credit and Commerce International known as BCCI was founded by Pakistani financer Mr. Agha Hasan Abedi in 1972. It’s headquarter was located in London and was incorporated in Luxembourg. BCCI was ranked 7th largest private bank with total assets which amounts to $20.6 billion. By the end of 1988, BCCI’s network included 417 offices in 73 countries. The annual report noted that the bank now served 1.3 million customers through 14,000 staff members of 90 nationalities. (Peter et al. 1992) BCCI was initially funded by rich Arab businessmen who wanted high return on their investment without taking big risks. They haven’t got†¦show more content†¦(Source: Walker, L. 2001) Abdul Basir, head of BCCI Pakistan operation, says: â€Å"We looked after clients in the most efficient, personalised manner.†The diamond market which is home to Lahore’s famous dancing girls, Prostitutes, who for centuries have provided entertainment for emperors and their courtiers – and latterly for politicians, Arab Sheikhs and bankers. BCCI used these girls to treat Arabs rich businessmen and major shareholders. BCCI’s Zafar Iqbal, former chief executive, was in charge of managing prostitutes. Corporate Failure of BCCI There were two main reasons of BCCI’s corporate failure apart from their criminal activities. These were high risk loans and trading. A bank’s treasury plays a key role in managing its financial affairs by trading large amounts of money and currencies. Some if this dealing is done on behalf of clients. But bank treasuries also speculate on whether currencies will rise or fall, using their own money. BCCI was no exception. According to Price Waterhouse, the bank combined these two activities by trading huge amounts of clients’ money – but in its own name, and without their knowledge. The bank setup a central treasury in 1982 to bring together and put to work the pools of cash that lay around 73 countries network, holding $10bn of assets. It has to keep a large stock of liquid money because of its homeless status. There money market was unsuccessful due to over trading and enormous trading losses which its officialShow MoreRelatedBcci Case Study for Auditing5660 Words  | 23 Pagesthe branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI) has been seized by regulators in seven countries. The closure of the bank is mainly due to massive fraud and corruption that happened at the heart of the bank. BCCI also involved in other illegal activities such as money laundering, dubious lending, fraudulent record-keeping and support in terrorism. The BCCI was a supranational bank founded in London in 1972 by a Pakistani financier, Agha Hasan Abedi. Overall, BCCI was expanded from 19 branchesRead MoreThe Theory Of Accounting Fraud3500 Words  | 14 Pagescase of the B ank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). BCCI was founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi (Trento, 2005). Within a decade BCCI had over 400 branches in over 70 countries and claimed assets of $25 billion (Wearing, 2005). In 1989, a senior employee at BCCI alerted PriceWaterhouse (BCCI’s auditors) to the possibility of fraud within the company (Jones 2011). After investigation BCCI’s balance sheet was found to contain a number of either fictitious or irrecoverable loans. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lennie and George in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay
John Steinbeck wrote the play Of Mice and Men in 1937 (Steinbeck). It is a play about two ranch workers who do not have the best of luck. The two workers were named George and Lennie. George was a more small bodied man. His partner Lennie was a giant among average sized people. They are on the road going place to place working numerous jobs. Lennie has a learning disability. The two work hand and hand. George is there to keep Lennie out of trouble. Lennie in a way helps keep George together. Sometimes it gets difficult for the two but they always get through everything together. They both work hand and hand. George is the brains and Lennie is the muscle. Lennie is a very powerful man so he can do a lot of things normal men cannot do.†¦show more content†¦Many think that this decision was more to please his parents instead of just him wanting to go there. By Steinbeck wanting to become a writer he thought that there was little use for college. After college he tried being a freelance writer. He moved to New York City where he worked as a construction worker and a newspaper reporter (â€Å"World†). Lennie is a very misunderstood individual. He has some sort of mental issue that makes his life different than normal. Lennie has a thing for soft fluffy things, he likes to hold them and pet them. Most of the time these soft things end up dead which Lennie tries his hardest to keep from George when this happens. George once found a dead mouse in Lennie’s pocket that he had been keeping there for 3 whole days after it died (Lisca). Lennie is a giant of a man. He does not understand how much power he has. This causes a lot of the mistakes he makes. George is there most of the time to correct or stop Lennie from doing these things. There are sometimes when George is not there to stop him and Lennie gets them both into trouble. The two have had to move several times because of Lennie (McMurray). In fact every time they have had to leave a place was because of Lennie’s actions. There was one thing Lennie got them in and they could not run from it. Lennie was in the barn and Curley’s wife came in. He wanted to touch her hair and he ended up rubbing it too hard. She yelled for help and he wanted her to shut up so heShow MoreRelated Comparing Of Mice and Men and John Steinbecks Life Essay849 Words  | 4 Pages John Steinbecks agricultural upbringing in the California area vibrantly shines through in the settings and story lines of the majority of his works. Steinbecks novel, Of Mice and Men, takes place in the Salinas Valley of California. The drama is centered around two itinerant farm workers, George Milton and Lennie Small, with a dream of someday owning a place of their own. Lennie Small is a simple-minded, slow moving, shapeless hulk with pale eyes whose enormous physical strength often causesRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1319 Words  | 6 PagesBryann Cervantes AP English IV Mrs. Batey Of Mice and Men To most, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is a revered novel on racial segregation in the United States. This text has been remarkably controversial because of the way it deals with difficult issues regarding race and the American dream; however, despite its disputable history, it is an incredibly important book that is used to study many aspects of race relations in the United States in the early to mid twentieth century, more specificallyRead MoreForeshadowing In Of Mice And Men Analysis1257 Words  | 6 PagesSteinbeck Use Foreshadowing in his Text? Foreshadowing is the way an author uses clues to show the reader what happens later in the book. In 1937 John Steinbeck published the American classic, â€Å"Of Mice and Men,†a short story that tells the tale of George and Lennie, two migrant workers during the Great Depression. George, a small quick man, and his companion, Lennie, an enormous man with the mind of a child. They begin work at a ranch and come across Crooks, Candy, Slim, Curley, Curley’s wife, and manyRead MoreGeorge And Lennie Relationship Analysis871 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novella Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, the relationship between Lennie Small and George Milton is complex. Lennie and George are two companions who look for work and brave the hardships of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression together. Although Lennie and George are both grown men, their relationship resembles more of a child and a single parent, or a boy and his dog. Lennie is portrayed as animalistic and childish throu gh his behavior and Steinbeck’s comparisons. 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And, as in all of Steinbecks Califomia fiction, setting plays a central role in determining the major themes of this work. The fact that the setting for OfMice and Men is a Califomia valley dictates, according to the symbolism of Steinbecks landscapes, that this story will take place in a fallenRead MoreAmerica Is Home To Many Great Writers Whom Come Different1709 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica is home to many great writers whom come different backgrounds. American authors like John Steinbeck who add biographical elements into their pieces of writing. John Steinbeck, one of the most honorable authors of time, is known for receiving Nobel Prize, California commonwealth club medal, Pulitzer Prize, and other great accomplishments towards publishing sixteen novels. Steinbeck’s realist style of writing and life experiences impacting his life show the reader he’s been through a lot inRead MoreOf Mice And Men Modernism1619 Words  | 7 Pages One of John Steinbeck’s early drafts of his most famous work, Of Mice and Men, was eaten by his dog. This did not discourage him from finishing it and going on to write more stories and novellas, becoming one of America’s most beloved authors. John Steinbeck is seen as a very important important figure of the Modernist literary period; known for his observations of human conditions during the Dust Bowl era, mainly his book Of Mice and Men which truly takes a detailed look at the Great Depression
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case study Residence and Source
Question: Case study: Residence and Source. Answer: Issue From this scenario, the kit is a citizen in the country Australia. Kit works for a well known American company that is located in Australia. Kit salary payment is strictly paid in the account throughout a well-known bank like "Westpac bank". The kit is the joint owner of the Australia. Despite Kit is holding the state Chilean citizen which measured as a national of the country Australia because of kit has a dual resident (Atkins et al., 2012). Moreover, Kit is considered as citizenship in the country Australia for the tax purpose that kit mostly owns his house in the Australian country and also the wife of the kit is also residing in Australia most of the year. Most of the time in the year Kit is used to stays the cost of the Indonesia and also holiday he remains in the country occasionally. The kit also invests in the state Chile and considered as a resident of Australia (ATKINSON, 2009). The main issue is either Kit is a nation of the country Australia or not. The Kit also found fo r the measurement of the tax in the state Australia. Law According to the Australian taxation rules system or the procedure it also prescribed in the country Australia by ATO or the Australian Taxation Office this type of criteria or the situations that are checked for the verifying the Australian nations of an individual that are given below: The present occurrence of an individual in the country Australia. The relation of a person with Australia included the entire family member residing in Australia. According to this case study, an individual comes with the relatives in Australia of different kinds of trips that depend on the reason or the exact purpose for this journey. In this case study, we need to conclude that of person possess such assets like housing in the country or the state Australia (Bansal and Sharma, 2015). From this scenario, an individual is considered as a regular employee in Australia. According to this scenario, they should have any bank account in Australia. From this case study, an emigrant should have to continue the own job of their in the country like Australia (Basu and Andrews, 2014). Analysis From this type of scenario, Kit is holding a Chilean resident and kit have also considered as the citizen of the country Australia that kit a worker in Australia but he worked in an American company. Kit paid off his total salary payment which entirely consists of and a well-knew bank like "Westpac bank" in the country Australia (BATEMAN, 2006). His wife and Kit also need to have Ann account of their bank jointly, and it also occurs in the country Australia. However, the kit is also residing in the coast of Indonesia most of the time in the year in the country Australia. Conversely, the wife of the kit is living in Australia and it also significant reason determining the kit like a citizen in Australia. In spite of this, the situations that kit is a nation of the state Chile. He needs to hold the considerable assets in the state Chile. However, Kit also try to consider as a resident of Australia. From this context, always kit works to hold the citizenship of the country Chile. Moreov er, Kit permitted also ready to capable for the Australian Taxation System. Conclusion According to this scenario, Kit for his incomes the primary objective of his earnings is needed to met according to the required criteria or the situation which make Kit an Australian resident and also his costs or the profits are assessable income (Bennmarker, Calmfors and Seim, 2014). Moreover, Kit also need to provide the requisite tax for his total benefits or the profits from his income that kit needs to work in the country like Australia according to the rules and regulations of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). References Atkins, H., Muraro, P., van Laar, J. and Pavletic, S. (2012). Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Autoimmune DiseaseIs It Now Ready for PrimeTime?.Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18(1), pp.S177-S183. ATKINSON, A. (2009). NATIONAL SUPERANNUATION: REDISTRIBUTION AND VALUE FOR MONEY1.Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics Statistics, 32(3), pp.171-185. Bansal, M. and Sharma, D. (2015). An Emperical Study on Credit Rating Agencies (with Ref. to Default Rates of Crisil).imsmanthan, 9(1and2). Basu, A. and Andrews, S. (2014). Asset Allocation Policy, Returns and Expenses of Superannuation Funds: Recent Evidence Based on Default Options.Australian Economic Review, 47(1), pp.63-77.
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